Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...ya right.

Hello my friends. I know that it has been a long time since I have blogged, but I have just been waiting for some inspiration. Well, I found it this evening. Funny thing is, the inspiration came from a conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with me.

A silly forward message on facebook between one of my friends and her other girl friends turned into a mess of mean and hurtful words that were completely uncalled for. Basically, to sum it up, one of the girls that received the forward message made a hasty comment about not wanting to receive those messages anymore. My friend was completely classy and held her composure in the conversation...then the conversation became ridiculous. My friend told the girl to "lose the attitude" and the other girl had nothing better to say, so she said "lose some weight, end of conversation xoxo". Everyone who originally received the first forward message was getting all of the other messages as well. These messages were automatically sent to my phone, and as I was reading them I became EXTREMELY pissed off. The claws almost came out to stick up for my friend, but instead I wrote my friend a text message and let her know that she shouldn't listen to what that girl was saying, clearly the girl couldn't find her big girl words so she had to resort to using her preschool words.

This conversation brought up many hurtful memories about the names I used to be called. Growing up overweight was not easy because kids, even adults, can be very vicious. I was called every "fat" name in the book, and was told to lose weight multiple times. Mean words hurt and scar everyone. I can remember almost every occasion where I was called a name, or told to lose weight. I have tried to forgive, but it is not easy in the least. Forgetting the words is even harder. Any human being, no matter how skinny or big, is going to be hurt when you say a negative comment about their weight (and if you say that it wouldn't hurt you, you're lying). It's a very sensitive subject and no one deserves to be called names or told to lose weight. This made me realize that I still have a lot of anger about the names I was called and anger towards the people who hurt me. In order to completely change myself inside and out, I know that I have to address those issues and forgive others...this is going to take some time. I could go on and on about how I can't stand when people resort to making comments about weight, but I will just let it go. However, I will say this...people in glass houses should not throw stones.